Rose collection

A Rose Garden of 13,000 rosebushes
The Rose Garden presents a collection of over 13,000 rosebushes. You will be able to discover old roses, exceptional roses such as botanical roses. Our Rose Garden allows you to discover rambling and climbing roses, on trees or palisades.
Of course, we have many modern roses. To complete this collection, our creations are integrated into the clumps to expose the most original roses! In total, you can discover more than 1000 varieties of roses.
Each rose is identified with an information plate. You could read the name of the variety, its creator and the year of creation. A picture will allow you to observe the rose. The characteristics of the rose, its height, the flowering months, and the type of rose complete the information plate.
Moreover, you can find some varieties in our rosebushes nursery or throughout the year on our website pé
More than 1,000 varieties of rosebushes.
You can find the inventory of roses present in the Rose Garden.
Roses are listed alphabetically.
This inventory is not exhaustive, it can be updated during the season.